Friday, 10 May 2013

Research 2

Man Ray (August 27th 1890 – November 18th 1976) was an American surrealist photographer and artist, he first began painting and then taught himself photography in order to create the art he could not paint. He was best known for his fashion photography, but became a significant contributor to the surrealist movements. In his work he used a lot of solarisation techniques, by solarising an image the dark tones appear lighter and the dark tones appear lighter. 

The image below is simple but very effective, the grainy black and white and duplication of the eyes make the image seem almost haunting. The manipulation of this image is subtle which gives it a sense of realism.

The image below appears to have 3 faded faces in different angles layered over the original subjects face, I think that this is effective because it shows the 'dream like' quality that is commonly found within surrealist photographs.

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